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Good goes to bad! We started to use this Vet Practice when we moved locally. We found them friendly and efficient to begin with. We visited a number of times with various pets of ours and started to feel they were attempting to charge excessively by suggesting unnecessary and expensive exploratory diagnosis on one of our cats. We ended up working out the problem that our cat had ourselves which reduced the amount of stress he would have been put through should we have allowed the vet to pursue their recommendations. We started to have reservations about continuing to use this practice. We had a few small problems and then the final straw was when we asked the practice for prescriptions to enable us to obtain flee treatments for our animals. We wanted the prescriptions because it is more economic to buy Advocate elsewhere and when my wife called in after chasing the practice a couple of times to get the prescriptions ready for collection she was then greeted at the reception with hostility being accused of not supporting the local vet, which reduced my wife to tears. This was done in front of other people waiting with their pets which made my wife feel extremely embarrassed and all she could do was turn and leave but did so without the prescriptions which we have now discovered that the cost of one covers all our pets with another vet where Cranbrook was going to charge for each pet. We have a number of different animals and have spent a lot of money with this practice and others in the past in other areas where we have lived and feel that when there is the opportunity of saving some money as I am sure most will agree then we should be allowed to do so. We are now using another Vet who we have found to be of a similar high standard and at a more reasonable cost as those we have previously experienced with the exception of this practice. We support all other local businesses but not this one now!

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