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I purchased a £10 Lens Bag through the store and was told it could take up to 6 weeks to come into stock at the store. On passing one day I popped in with receipt and said I no longer required it and could I get a refund. I was told it had now arrived and that I wasn't able to receive a refund. The reason for this being this was a special order. I was not informed of this on purchasing nor that I wouldn't be able to receive a refund on the item if I didn't require it after purchasing. What didn't help matters was that both of the store staff were unpleasant and extremely rude. The lens bag was pushed at me across the counter by one member and then a gentleman in a suit said you can either take it or leave it here but you’re not getting a refund. On saying I'll be never returning to store to purchase further products from this store the man said "that's probably for the best". Is this really how they should be treating customers? Over 20 years I've been buying TV's, DVD/Blu Ray Players, Speaker systems and cameras from Panasonic, probably well over £10,000 spent, but that will now cease and for what? A £10 refund on a camera Lens Bag. I even said I was happy to have store credit. I've never received such disgusting service in my entire life or been spoken to by someone with such vulgarity. Obviously the store staff, including managers, have no people skills or customer service skills.

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