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Today I visited the shop and spoke to the manager about my pearls and the fact the work to replace a clasp was very poor as the clasp still didn't work. 5 weeks ago I left the pearls into Hinds Exeter to be restrung and have a brand new clasp as mine had broken. This was agreed and an estimate of £80 was agreed over the phone a week later. When I received my pearls they had a new clasp and they had been restrung really well, however when I tried the clasp it didn't catch closed only stayed on the open safety mode. The shop assistant said they should go back to the pearl threader/knotting person, to redo as the clasp is integral to this process. Yesterday I picked my pearls up and paid £80 as the actual cost was £88 and they gave me discount of £8 for my trouble which was a good gesture and much appreciated. I took my pearls and went home. They did say a goldsmith had repaired the clasp which I did question as I didn't think this was possible...... At home I realised, my pearls after trying them on didn't click shut so the clasp was broken again - I must admit I was upset see review below. I returned today and the staff were incredibly apologetic and offered to do them again as a new replacement clasp does mean restringing of all the 59 pearls. They are not worth that much really you probably pay more by having them restrung every two yrs. I await the result and hope all goes well in the new year. The manager was very helpful and understanding. Thank you

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