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I have recently joined 3 from O2 after constantly being told that I had reached my limit on data(which was ridiculous)after one week of little usage, then at 3 for the same cost received six times the data. The people in the store were extremely helpful and polite but the one problem with the 3 system is their website and trying to register with them, it is impossible, and yesterday after trying for three hours I was directed to people in India who also could not help at all, but told me to turn off my wifi in order to register!!!!! This is ridiculous for I am in an area where 3G is not so good, and surely in this day and age a company such as 3 HAS to use wifi!! I have made contact by phone yet again, being directed to India who tell me precisely the same thing. After joining them three days ago, I am now thinking of leaving 3.

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