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On our first visit just over a year ago, I was extremely impressed as the lady that helped us choose my daughters dress was lovely, however after that our experience deteriorated. The dress was ordered and we were told that it would be in before Christmas. It was June. No problem as the wedding was the following July. After many phone calls the dress eventually arrived in February! When we first purchased the dress, both myself and my mother in law remember being told that the first fitting was free. We joked with my daughter about that stating she could not eat anythibg??. However this was not the fact. The fitter we found to be exceedingly pushy with trying to make us buy so many extras. Underwear, shoes etc. I had to be very forceful about the veil and even after clearly saying no to this she then said she would order the veil when we were paying for alterations. The dress is not made to fit. We then had a bill of 120. For the the first alterations. A further two fittings later this work was actually completed. My daughter changed her mind about the shoes and had found done perfect ones , however she could not get a refund, despite them never leaving the shop! On our final fitting, we had been double booked and as we were coming from a distance we could not change it. On arrival we were told we could have half an hour. What a joke. The dress takes that to put on. The hem needed taking up, with about 10 layers of dress, no easy task. However, clearly with no time to sort out the alterations required my daughter was encouraged to not have them done meaning she could hardly walk in it. Because the original alterations still had not completed we could not take the dress fro get this problem sorted. The dress was finally ready a week before the wedding. So cannot do anything. When we arrived for the last two fittings their small area for dress fittings was already busy, so personal time whatsoever. The final fitting had three sets of brides to be and it felt like a cattle market. Awful. My daughter had to sit on the floor to wait. Disgusting. Many bridal shops offer an experience. Champagne. Dedicated solo service. In all the hours I have spent there and spending a lot of money, not once were we offered even a water. In a hot crowded room, nothing. I will say that the dress is beautiful and the lady that originally served us and the lady we finally saw, who was working under awful conditions in the shop, were lovely. But I would not recommend the shop. If we had all the alterations that should have been done another approx 300 would have been added. This is not explained. Double and treble bookings taking place, queuing for a space, no refreshments offfered. Long wait for the dress to finally be ready. Not good

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